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Is India becoming a Flawed Democracy?

  India was declared a secular state during the 1975 emergency, and India has been secular since independence. If history has been an indicator India is a deeply religious country, with diverse religions rooted in its culture and population. Hence, making it a free spirit country with a rich heritage and faith.   For ages, religion has been an important factor in Indian politics with politicians courting votes by caste or religious affiliation. But steadily, it is deteriorating the essence of the country and making it hollow day by day. Even in the latest report by V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute, it has been said that India has become an “Electoral Democracy.” The rankings in the Democracy Index published by The Economist Intelligence Unit blame Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP government for the relapse of democracy in the country. Under their power, there has been monitoring some pressure on human rights groups, menacing journalists and act

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